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学术报告:Electrical conductivity:A new dimension in scaffolding(导电性:组织工程支架材料的新视角)


主题:   Electrical conductivity:A new dimension in scaffolding(导电性:组织工程支架材料的新视角)主讲人:   Ze Zhang地点:   松江校区纺织学院楼3004室时间:   2020-12-24 17:40:00组织单位:   纺织学院

主讲人简介:Dr. Ze Zhang received his B.Eng. and M.Eng. in 1982 and 1984 from Chengdu University of Science & Technology (now Sichuan University) and then a PhD degree in Experimental Medicine from Université Laval in 1993. Aftera postdoctoral training in Japan he returned to the Saint-François d’Assise Hospital Research Center in Quebec City in 1995 and later became a professor inthe Department of Surgery Faculty of Medicine at Université Laval and are searcher in the Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec – Université Laval. Dr. Zhang’s research has been funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), le Fonds de la recherche ensanté du Québec (FRSQ), and by industrial partners. He has more than one hundred journal publications, edited one book and authored several book chapters. His research interests include biomaterials, wound healing and cardiovascular implants.


  1. Intrinsic electrical field, dielectricproperty and electrical conductivity of tissues

  2. Conductive polymers as biomaterials

  3. Conductive scaffold/textiles

  4. Electrical field and cell culture

Potential clinic applications of conductive biomaterials

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