学术报告:Luminescent nanofibrous membranes 发布时间:2015-10-08 主题: Luminescent nanofibrous membranes主讲人: Hak Yong Kim地点: 延安路校区东华大学研究院209时间: 2015-10-09 14:00:00 主讲人简介: Hak YongKim Ph.D., Professor Chonbuk National University (CBNU) Dr. Kim has completed his PhD from Textile Eng., Seoul National University,Korea. He is professor at Department of BIN Fusion Technology &Department of Organic Materials and Fiber at ChonbukNational University. He has published more than 290 papers in reputed journals (h-index39) and has been serving as an editorial board member of three internationaljournals (Macromolecular Research, Fibers and Polymers, Korean Tissue Engineering and RegenerativeMedicine Society). His research interests including: Biomaterials, Polymercomposites, Inorganic materials, Carbon nanofibers, Functional materials likeSemiconductor, Electrocatalytic, Phocatalytic materials, Hydrogen and fuelcells. 报告摘要: Novel luminescent and amorphousLa2O3-ZrO2: Eu3+ (LZE) nanofibrous membranes with robust softnessare fabricated for the first time via a facile electrospinning technique. Byemploying zirconium oxide incorporation, the as-prepared lanthanum oxidenanofibrous membranes can be dramatically changed from the extreme fragility torobust softness. Meanwhile, the softness and luminescent performance of LZEnanofibrous membranes can be finely controlled by regulating the dopingconcentration of zirconium oxide and europiumin lanthanum oxidenanofibers. Additionally, the crystal structure analysis using X-raydiffractometer and high resolution transmission electron microscopymeasurements have confirmed the correlation between the amorphous structure andsoftness. Furthermore, LZE membranes show the characteristic emission of Eu3+corresponding to 5D0, 1, 2 - 7F0, 1, 2,3, 4 transitions due to an efficient energy transfer from O2-to Eu3+. The LZE nanofibrous membranes with the optimum doping Eu3+concentration of 3 mol%, the as-prepared LZE membranes exhibit excellentsoftness and luminescent properties, which make the materials have potentialapplications in fluorescent lamps and field emission displays. |