学术报告:Sonochemical Synthesis of Functional Materials 发布时间:2015-10-21 主题: Sonochemical Synthesis of Functional Materials主讲人: 周梅芳地点: 松江校区纺织学院楼3004会议室时间: 2015-10-23 13:30:00组织单位: 纺织学院 主讲人简介:Dr. Meifang Zhoureceived her PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from The University of NewSouth Wales, Australia in 2004. As a researchfellow, she joined the Advanced Porous Materials research group (2004 - 2008)and Sonochemistry research group (2008 - now) at The University of Melbourne,Australia. Meifang is a sonochemist and materials scientist who has developed anumber of novel techniques to facilely synthesize and characterize nano-/micro-bubbles and spheres using acoustic cavitation. Recent research also involvesthe sonochemical synthesis of functional nano- and biomaterials includingprotein/polymer microspheres that can be used in diagnostic and therapeuticmedicine. She has made major contributions of applied sonochemistry to the foodindustry. Herresearch interests also include sol-gel templated porous nano-structuredmaterialsand sonochemical synthesis of polymer or metal/polymer composite nano- andmicro- bubbles/spheres for photocatalytic, antimicrobial and drug or flavourdelivery applications.She has been a reviewer for more than 15 internationaljournals and a member of organising committee for InternationalWorkshop on Sonochemistry and Photocatalysis in 2008. 内容摘要:Thesynthesis of functional materials is one of the active research areas as thesematerials are found useful in a variety of potential applications, such as,energy production, therapeutic and diagnostic medicine, etc.A number of advanced synthetic techniqueshave been developed for synthesizing metal and polymer particles andbiomaterials. Sonochemistry is found to be a useful technique for synthesizing avariety of nano- and micro- materials possessing specific physical andfunctional properties. Sonochemistryrefers to the chemical reactions that could be induced when sound waves interactwith gas bubbles in liquids. The interaction between (ultra)sound waves anddissolved gas nuclei results in a phenomenon known as acoustic cavitation,which involves the growth of existing gas nuclei by rectified diffusion andinertial collapse of resonance-sized microbubbles.The near adiabatic collapse generates veryhigh temperatures and pressures within the cavitation bubbles leading to theformation of highly reactive radicals.In addition to generating these primary radicals, acoustic cavitation isalso accompanied by a number of physical effects, such as agitation,microstreaming, enhanced mass transport, etc. The reactions between the primaryradicals and solutes adsorbed at the bubble/solution interface may generatesecondary radicals. The primary and secondary radicals and the physical effectsgenerated during acoustic cavitation have been found useful in the synthesis ofa variety of nano- and micro- materials. We have developed anultrasonic methodology for controlling the size and size distribution of metalnanoparticles. Recently, we have developed a simple and efficient technique forthe encapsulation of magnetite nanoparticles within host latex particles andsemiconducting nanoparticles within polymer microcapsules. This ultrasoundinitiated procedure represents an effective means ofproducing a range of nanocomposites consisting of multiple combinations ofdifferent polymers and encapsulation materials. We have also developed aversatile method to synthesize protein and polymer microspheres that havepotential applications in therapeutic and diagnostic medicine. An overview ofthe sonochemical synthesis of functional nano- and micro- materials will bepresented. |