学术报告:Highly porous scaffolds as efficient electrodes 发布时间:2015-11-16 主题: Highly porous scaffolds as efficient electrodes主讲人: Andreas Greiner地点: 松江校区纺织学院3004会议室时间: 2015-11-23 13:30:00组织单位: 纺织学院 主讲人简介:Andreas Greiner,1959年出生,世界著名材料科学家,现为德国拜罗伊特大学高分子化学系教授、系主任。兼任:拜罗伊特新材料中心“Future Solutions”事业部主任、拜罗伊特大学高分子学部执行委员会主席、德国马堡生物与纳米技术中心委员、国际学术期刊e-Polymers主编等职务。在Science、Adv. Mater.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Energy Environ. Sci.等国际一流SCI期刊发表学术论文290余篇,被引用11000余次,H指数52;授权专利20余项、受邀国际学术报告200余次。根据汤森路透集团发布的全球顶尖100位材料学家榜单,Greiner教授排名第36位。此外,Greiner教授还获得了包括美国化学会亚瑟·K·杜利特奖、德国Hermann-Schnell奖在内的多项奖励和荣誉。 内容摘要:Electrodes are extremely important interfaces in anyelectrical devices. The performance of such devices can be improved by order ofmagnitudes as recently shown by use of electrospun scaffolds as electrodes inmicrobial fuel cells. The use of porous scaffolds as electrodes has stimulateda new trend in the field of microbial fuel cells and a rocket-like increase inthe performance of microbial fuel cells. The major challenge for polymer-basedporous scaffolds as electrodes is electrical conductivity While polyaniline andmostly carbon do not display sufficient electrical conductivity for a reallyhigh performance, really highly porous scaffolds are still a major challenge.We overcome this problem by a metallization of porous polymer scaffolds whichshowed extremely good conductivity. The challenge here was to achievehomogenous metallization all over the porous scaffolds which we did by suitablechemical conditions. Another big question mark was the use of metals likecopper and silver as electrode materials in microbial fuels where livingmicrobes are the major player. On the other hand, silver and copper arewell-known antimicrobial materials. However, we could clearly show that copperand silver can be used as electrode materials in microbial fuel cells. 讲座语言:英语 |