学术报告:Fibers with biocomponent morphology and nanocomposites 发布时间:2015-11-16 主题: Fibers with biocomponent morphology and nanocomposites主讲人: Seema Agarwal地点: 松江校区纺织学院3004会议室时间: 2015-11-23 15:00:00组织单位: 纺织学院 主讲人简介:Seema Agarwal, 现为德国拜罗伊特大学高分子化学系教授。1990年取得印度理工学院高分子化学博士,1997年加入德国菲利普斯大学先后任博士后、研究助理、教授,2012年加入德国拜罗伊特大学高分子化学系任教授和学术委员会主任。至今在Advanced Materials、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Materials Today、Advanced Functional Materials、Small等国际一流SCI期刊发表学术论文150余篇,H指数26;专著和合著书籍6部。担任国际学术期刊e-Polymers主编、Polymers for AdvancedTechnologies (Wiley)副主编,江西师范大学客座教授,获得了包括德国Hermann-Schnell奖、德国洪堡奖学金、印度Dr. P. K. Ramachandran奖在内的多项奖励和荣誉。 内容摘要:Solution electrospinning is a well-established methodto process homogenous fibers from different polymers huge range of properties.Bicomponent electrospinning using special nozzles opens further newopportunities for properties improvement, introducing functionalities andadditives in a simple way. Co-axial, triaxial and side-by-side spinning aresome of these options. Right choice of polymers as two components can providespecial mesostructures and a set of mechanical properties which are notpossible using simple blend or otherwise. The talk will highlight some examplesfor formation of bicomponent fibers and discuss the formation of specialstructures and properties. 讲座语言:英语 |