学术报告:先进纳米能源材料 发布时间:2016-03-03 主题: 先进纳米能源材料主讲人: 付堃地点: 松江校区2号学院楼3004会议室时间: 2016-03-04 09:30:00组织单位: 纺织学院 主讲人简介:Kun Fu is a Research Scientist in University of Maryland Energy Research Center (UMERC) at University of Maryland College Park (UMCP). He is currently working with Prof. Liangbing Hu on DOE, NASA, DARPA, and industry funded projects. He is now a co-PI leading a 3-year project and supervising one PhD student and one visiting student. Kun Fu obtained his Ph.D. in Fiber and Polymer Science from North Carolina State University in 2014, M.S. from Philadelphia University in 2011, and B.S. from Donghua University in 2009. His research interests include designing materials and devices byusing nanostructured and multifunctional fibers, polymers, composites, and textiles to address energy and environmental fundamental challenges and demonstrate concepts for advanced applications. The research activities involveexploration of novel materials and chemistry for the investigation offundamental material-structure-property correlations in energy related systems,and the game-changing design of advanced materials and devices for energy storage and thermal management in wearable applications. Kun Fu’s recent research work has been published as the first authorin journals such as Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, NanoLetters, Chemistry of Materials, Nano Energy, Nanoscale, and ChemicalCommunications. 内容摘要:1.Introduction to energy storage 2.Development of advanced materials for energy storage and beyond 3. Preliminary research on materials applied to energy storage |