学术报告:From Open surgery to Key-hole Surgery: Emergent Technologies to Guarantee the Perfect Blood Supply 发布时间:2016-03-29 主题: From Open surgery to Key-hole Surgery: Emergent Technologies to Guarantee the Perfect Blood Supply主讲人: Robert Guidoin 地点: 纺织学院楼3004会议室时间: 2016-03-31 13:00:00组织单位: 纺织学院 主讲人简介: Prof. Robert Guidoin is a Professor of Surgery, within CHUQ the teachingof Laval University. In 1986, he was a Professor of Surgery, and scientificDirector of the Quebec Biomaterials Institute of St François d’Assise Hospital,CHUQ, Quebec, Canada. His Research responsibilities are Blood conduits: newconcepts in vascular grafts (spiral flow) and prevention of the corrosion instent-grafts (CVD); Virtual biopsies for implanted prostheses: in vivo MRIinvestigation of non ferromagnetic implants; Programmed and pathologicalmineralizations associated with biomedical material implants: biotextiles andchemically processed biological tissues collaborations; Polyurethanes. 内容摘要: The perfect blood supply throughout the body guaranteethe support of normal functions to tissue and organs. As the future has notarrived yet with regenerative medicine, the search for prothetic alternativesproves to be essential and can be highly rewarding. The surgery is moving fromopen surgery to key-hole surgery. Bridge devices are now used for destinationtherapy. The biomaterials are essential in the development of innovativecardiovascular devices. The emergent technologies are currently at variousstages of development and acceptability: stents and stent graphs have almostreached maturity percutaneous valves still deserve validation whereas leadlesspacing represents a disruptive technology. The future of implantology willcertainly more patients to be well treated based upon the successfuldevelopment of specific prosthesis. |