学术报告:Centrifugally-Spun Nanofibers for Advanced Energy Storage 发布时间:2016-06-08 报告主题: Centrifugally-Spun Nanofibers for Advanced Energy Storage 报告时间: 2016年06月11日上午9点半 报告地点:东华大学延安路校区第一会议室 报告人及简介:Xiangwu Zhang Ph.D., Professor Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Associate Department Head and Director of Graduate Programs Inaugural University Faculty Scholar Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science Department The College of Textiles North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695-8301 Xiangwu Zhang is a Professor and Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor in the Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry, and Science in the College of Textiles at North Carolina State University. He currently serves as the Associate Department Head and Director of Graduate Programs. Zhang earned a B.S. in Polymer Materials and Engineering in 1997 and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering in 2001, both from Zhejiang University, China. Zhang's research interests focus on nanostructured and multifunctional polymer, composite, fiber, and textile materials with an emphasis on practical applications: i) energy storage and conversion, ii) chemical and biological protection, and iii) composites. His research encompasses both fundamental materials studies such as synthesis and physical characterization, as well as system design and fabrication. Zhang has received over seven million dollars of research funding from the US government, foundation, and industry. Zhang has published two books, seven book chapters, and more than 170 peer-reviewed journal articles. Zhang has also delivered over 200 presentations in international and national conferences. Recently, Zhang received Distinguished Achievement Award in Fiber Science (The Fiber Society, 2015), Outstanding Service Award (Sigma XI Society - Scientific Research Society, 2015), Inaugural University Faculty Scholar Award (NC State, 2013), Alumni Association Outstanding Research Award (NC State, 2013), and Outstanding Teacher Award (NC State, 2013). Zhang is also a Yangguang Chair Professor at Wuhan Textile University and a Guest Professor at Zhejiang Sci-Tec University. 报告大纲, Nanofibers are an important class of material that is useful in a variety of applications, including filtration, tissue engineering, protective clothing, composites, battery separators, energy storage, etc. So far, electrospinning is the most studied method for producing nanofibers. A literature search using the Web of ScienceTM database shows that Year 2015 alone had publication of over 3000 articles in the electrospinning of nanofibers. Among these publications, over 50% focused on the investigation of the electrospinning process and the characterization of the resultant nanofibers, and the others mainly address the innovative use of electrospun nanofibers for various applications. However, the wide-spread commercial use of electrospinning is limited due to its low production rate, poor safety, and high cost. Most other nanofiber production methods, such as phase separation, template synthesis, and self-assembly, are complex and can only be used to make nanofibers from limited types of materials. This presentation introduces a simple, yet versatile technique for producing nanofibers of various materials including polymers, carbons, ceramics, metals, and composites. Centrifugal spinning eliminates the limitations encountered by current nanofiber production methods and can produce nanofibers at high speed and low cost.Centrifugally-spun nanofibers can be used in various applications, including filtration, tissue engineering, protective clothing, composites, battery separators, energy storage, etc. The application of centrifugally-spun nanofibers in energy storage applications will be discussed in this presentation. |