学术报告:How do Postgraduates do Scientific Research 发布时间:2016-11-03 报告时间: 2016年11月3日11:30 报告地点: 松江纺织学院楼3004会议室 报告人及简介: Hiroyuki HAMADAPh.D., Professor ,Kyoto Institute of Technology 学历:本科、硕士、博士均毕业于日本同志社大学。 荣誉:曾获泰国帕纳空皇家技术大学名誉称号,兼任中国哈尔滨工业大学客座教授。美国尖端材料技术协会SAMPE、纤维学会Fiber Society 会员,日本SAMPE分会副委员长、日本纤维增强塑料协会理事。日本塑料成形加工学会副会長、企画委員長,日本複合材料学会理事,日本学術振興会科学研究費委員会専門委員,曾担任日本多家财团法人的研究顾问。与日本丰田、马自达、三菱、东洋、仓敷纺绩、松下电器、住友商事、津田驹建立了长期稳定的合作关系。 报告大纲: Do you have any confusions in your research subject? Come to listen and discover something new, interesting and more relevant! Fiber composites are applied in automotive lightweight design and gradually highlights its pivotal position. This report focuses on the latest preparation process of fiber thermoplastic and thermosetting resin as well as application in automotive lightweight design. Contents about the application and development of single pin connection in mechanically fastened joint will also be reported in this lecture, including the biggest challenge we are facing in terms of composite materials. All these issues will be discussed in this lecture. |