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主题: 高能量密度锂电电极结构的设计

主讲人: 闫建华

地点: 延安路校区第一会议室

时间: 2016-12-31 09:30:00

组织单位: 纺织学院


Dr. Jianhua Yan earned his M.S. degree in Microelectronics Engineering from  Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012 and Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering  from West Virginia University in 2015. Currently he holds an appointment at  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Dr. Yan seeks to find practical solutions  to the challenges associated with flexible electronics and flexible and  stretchable lithium batteries use through his cross-disciplinary background.


This talk focuses on some designs of lithium−sulfur batteries, which is a  promising next generation rechargeable battery due to its potential high energy  density. However, it suffers from major problems including poor cycle  performance and low efficiency, mainly due to the high solubility of  intermediate poly-sulfides and their side-reactions with the Li-anode. This talk  will describe three projects based on Dr. Yan’s research. First, designs of  various open-structure functional gradient carbon-S composite cathodes with very  high S-loadings that can utilize the high energy density of S-cathode while  minimize the migration of poly-sulfide to anode side. Second, designs of fast  prelithiation process for carbon/silicon (C-Si) composite anodes by using liquid  Π-bond containing aromatic compounds as catalyst. Third, protections of lithium  metal anodes.

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