学术报告:Advanced Fiber and Textile Nanotechnology in Energy Storage 发布时间:2017-06-05 主题: Advanced Fiber and Textile Nanotechnology in Energy Storage 主讲人: 付堃 地点: 延安路校区东华大学研究院209会议室 时间: 2017-06-06 09:30:00 组织单位: 纺织学院 报告人简介: 付堃,博士,现就职于美国马里兰大学 (University of Maryland, College Park) 材料科学与工程系与能源研究中心,任助理研究员 (Assistant Research Scientist)。 2009年本科毕业于东华大学纺织材料与工程系,2014年博士毕业于美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学 (NC State University) 纤维和高分子科学专业。之后在马里兰大学能源研究中心从事博士后工作 (Postdoctoral Research Associate),并于2016年担任助理研究员。在纳米纤维,能源,高性能纤维及纺织复合材料领域有近十年研究经历。已发表英文论文60余篇,近4年论文总引用达1300余次,其中i10 index为37。以第一或共同一作的身份多次发表论文在Nature Materials, ScienceAdvances, PNAS, Energy and Environmental Science, Nano Letters, AdvancedMaterials, Advanced Energy Materials, ACS Nano, Chemistry of Materials等期刊上, 并担任多个杂志的评审,其中包括Nature Energy, Advanced Materials等。科研成果多次被国际和国内媒体采访和报道。
报告大纲: Beyond state-of-the-art lithium-ion battery (LIB)technology with metallic lithium anodes to replace conventional ionintercalation anode materials is highly desirable because of lithium’s highestspecific capacity (3,860 mA/g) and lowest negative electrochemical potential (∼3.040 V vs. the standard hydrogen electrode).Using solid state electrolyte is one of the most promising way to address thefundamental challenges of chemical/physical short circuits in Li metalbatteries, such as Li dendrite penetration anddissolvedcathode materials. In this presentation, I will talk about how to use Fiber and Textile Nanotechnology todesign fibrous and flexible ceramic ion conductors as solid state electrolytesfor Li-metal batteries. This presentation is based on my recent work publishedin NatureMaterials (2016), Science Advances (2017), PNAS (2016), and Energy andEnvironmental Science (2017).