学术报告:How To do Scientific Research and Write Papers To Enhance Journal Acceptance? 发布时间:2017-06-29 主题: How To do Scientific Research and Write Papers To Enhance Journal Acceptance? 主讲人: Prof. David Hui 地点: 松江校区纺织学院楼3035会议室 时间: 2017-06-30 15:00:00 组织单位: 纺织学院
报告人简介 Prof. David Hui,Professor of Mechanical Engineering anddirector of Composites Materials Research Laboratory at University of New Orleans.He has served as founder and editor-in-chief of one of the mostprestigious journals in composite materials, Composites B Engineering journal, currently in its 25th year ofpublication and impact factor is 4.727in year 2016. This journal ranks in top 5%among 85 journals in Engineering Multidisciplinary category in ISI. Currently, he serves on the editorial board of 11 SCI journals,seven of them are Nano journals, and the rest are mostly composite materialsjournals. Dr. Hui is ASME Fellow, ICCE Life Member,AIAA Associate Fellow and CASI Associate Fellow. Dr. Hui has conducted approx.4 million US dollar funded research on composites materials and nano-materials,mostly for mechanical/aerospace engineering and ship structures applications. Heis widely known for his research on (i) nano materials mechanical propertiesmodeling and prototyping (ii) mechanical behavior of materials under high orlow temperatures, flammability and creep of composite materials, includingsmart material and structures, (iii) impact of blast dynamics, micro-crackinitiation and growth under thermal and mechanical loadings and (iv)infrastructure composites under harsh environments. Dr. Hui has co-authoredover 220 SCI journal publications, and these papers have received over 3000citations from ISI web of science (over 700 citations per year in 2015, not including self-citations from www.webofscience.com) 讲座语言:英文