学术报告:Nanocellulose technology for textile coatings (纳米纤维素在纺织涂层的应用) 发布时间:2017-10-08 报告时间: 2017年10月10日10:30 报告地点:松江纺织学院楼3004会议室 报告人及简介:Sergiy Minko Department of Textiles,Merchandizing and Interior, University of Georgia 研究领域:Nanostructured materials, responsive materials, colloids, nanoparticles, capsules, hydrogels, thin films, polymers, polymer interfaces, biointerfaces, biomaterials, drug delivery systems, sensors, separation membranes, smart coatings, porous materials, fibers, textiles, scanning probe microscopy, adhesion, adsorption, wetting and surface characterization Professional Experience 2014 – PresentGeorgia Power Professor of Fiber and Polymer Science, University of Georgia 2003 – 2014 Egon Matijevic Chaired Professor, Department ofChemistry and Biomolecular Science, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 2000–2003 Senior Scientist, Group Leader, Department of Polymer Interface, Institute for Polymer Research Dresden, Germany 1993–1996 Head, Dep. Chem. of Oxidation, Professor, Institute of Physical Chemistry, NAS 报告大纲:Textile industry has been traditionally associated with environment pollutions and consumption of larger volumes of water. An increasing public concern in environmental issues has prompted the development of sustainable textile dyeing technologies that would reduce the generation of wastewater as well as the use of toxic chemicals and subsequently satisfy regulatory and legal requirements. This concerns are not only limited to textile dyeing processes and they extend over various methods of fabric surface functionalization and modification. Emerging areas of advanced functional and smart textiles are referred to the development of fibers and fabrics that provide a range of properties from barrier materials to electronic devices that could be approached through surface functionalization of fabric. At the same time, emerging novel advanced textiles are seen as sustainable and biodegradable materials with a minimal environmental impact. This presentation considers unique characteristics of nanocellulose (NC) such as a large specific surface area, strong affinity to cellulosic surfaces, fibrillary mechanism of adhesion, and the reactive surface arising from abundant hydroxyl groups for various add-on functionalities bound to conventional textiles provided by NC hydrogels as functional coating materials. NC hydrogels produced by high-pressure homogenization could be deposited on cotton fabrics by padding, draining or printing methods. We demonstrate that a thin layer of NC is used as a binder for dyes, nanoparticles, nanowires, capsules, and reactive molecules; and a protective layer for functional fabrics in laundering.