学术报告:设计你·设计我 发布时间:2017-10-14 主题: 设计你·设计我主讲人: ChoiDonguen地点: 松江校区纺织学院楼3004会议室时间: 2017-10-16 13:00:00组织单位: 纺织学院 报告人简介: ChoiDonguen 崔童殷 •Yeung-nam University College ofHuman Ecology & Kinesiology Department of Clothing and Fashion(韩国岭南大学本科) •Japan Women’s University(Post-graduate of Department of Clothing in Faculty of HomeEconomics) Master degree(日本女子大学硕士) •Kyoto Institute ofTechnology(Graduate of Division of Advanced Fibro-Science doctor program) Ph.D.(Engineering)(京都工艺纤维大学博士) •Designer(Textile Design & Apparel Design)at Ahn-yang Wool Company, TSK Inc., Kun-Young TextileCompany in seoul.(设计师) •Research Fellow at School ofDesign Leeds University(2007-2009) (英国利兹大学博士后) •Pater-Time lecturerfor Kyoto women’s University and Seibo women’s University (京都女子大学讲师) •Associate of Professor at Kobeshoin Women’s University(2009-2017) (日本神户松荫女子大学副教授) AssistantProfessor at Shinshu University(2017-Now)(日本信州大学助教授)
报告大纲: 1:什么是时尚 2:什么是感性科学 3:什么是设计 4:如何设计你自己,如何设计我自己