学术报告:Controlled polymerizaiton of hyperbranched polymers and their biomedical applications 发布时间:2018-05-30 主题: Controlled polymerizaiton of hyperbranched polymers and their biomedical applications主讲人: Wenxin Wang地点: 纺织学院3004会议室时间: 2018-06-05 14:30:00 报告人简介: Wenxin Wang is a Professor in skin research and wound healing at theCharles Institute of Dermatology, School of Medicine, also Adjunct Professor atSchool of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University College Dublin (UCD)and a Principle Investigator of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). Prof Wang’sscientific interests and expertise covers the development of polymertherapeutics and gene therapy for the wound healing, extending from dendriticpolymers to smart polymers for a wide range of applications particularly fortissue engineering (e.g. hydrogels for stem cell encapsulation and delivery),drug delivery, 3D bio-printing. His scientific contributions and achievementsinclude 4 book chapters, 14 held patents, 3 filed invention disclosure forms(IDFs), and 167 peer-reviewed scientific publications including NatureCommunications, Science Advances, JACS, Chemical Review, Progress in PolymerScience, Angewandte Chemie, and Advanced Materials. Professor Wang has beeninvited over 70 times as a keynote or invited speaker at internationalconferences and universities. As the founder, Prof Wang has launched twospin-out companies: Vornia Ltd (purchased by Ashland – one of Fortune 500 USAcompanies) and Blafar Ltd. Currently, Prof Wang is the Chairman of DirectorBoard and CSO of Blafar Ltd. Prof Wang won “The Science Foundation Ireland(SFI) Young Scientist Prize in Regenerative Medicine” in 2010 at TERMIS-EUconference. Prof Wang has been selected as an expert reviewer and panel memberby 17 research councils and funding. He has hosted 19 conferences as a memberof the advisory board, organizer, chair or convener around the world. 报告摘要: Classical theory has long claimed that the polymerizations ofmulti-vinyl monomers (MVM) lead to insoluble cross-linked materials, as definedby P. Flory and W. Stockmayer 70 years ago (F-S theory), and has since been numerouslyobserved experimentally. Therefore, the (homo)polymerization of MVMs is stillconsidered as a formidable task in chain growth polymerization. In recentdecades, the introduction of controlled/living radical polymerizations (CRP)including atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and reversible additionfragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) etc., has led to a significant advance inboth synthetic polymer chemistry and physics. We have developed differentstrategies that allow facile syntheses of unprecedented 3D structuredmultifunctional materials from commercial available multi-vinyl monomers(MVMs). The syntheses by deactivation enhanced controlled/living radicalpolymerization can build the MVMs up into either ‘Single Cyclized‘ polymerstructures via linear/cyclization growth strategy, or via ‘vinyl oligomercombination’ strategy to yield veritable hyperbranched polymers.Our breakthrough lies in the ability to alterthe growth manner of polymerization by controlling the kinetic chain length togetherwith manipulating chain growth conditions to achieve two clearly differentpolymer structures. The first is a single chain which is linked repeatedly tocreate a dense but soluble interlaced knot structure and the second is acombination of short chains to create a veritable dendritic structure whichpossesses a highly branched structure. The new polymeric materials created fromMVMs have demonstrated the great potentials in biomedical applications such asgene delivery vector and injectable scaffold.