学术报告:基于角蛋白的透明纳米纤维的制备和表征及在有机电子中的应用 发布时间:2018-05-16 主题: 基于角蛋白的透明纳米纤维的制备和表征及在有机电子中的应用主讲人: Jun Youb Lee地点: 东华大学研究院209会议室(延安路校区)时间: 2018-05-16 15:15:00组织单位: 纺织学院 报告人简介: Dr. Jun Youb Lee received his B.S degree in Textile Engineering fromChonbuk National University in 1993. He obtained his M.S. degree from HanjiCulture Industry Division in Jeonju University in 2009. He received his PhD. Degreein Textile Engineering from Chonbuk National University. Currently he is theCEO of O-Sung Co., Ltd. 报告大纲: Electrospinning is a well-known and versatile technique to fabricatemicro and nanofibers (NFs) with high porosity and many environmentally friendlyapplications such as biomedical and filter industry. Here the fabrication ofwool hair-based keratin/poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) (WH/PVA) NFs byelectrospinning technique was presented. It has been successfully prepared theenvironmentally friendly NF mats made by WH/PVA composite NFs exhibiting highoptical transmittance by using simple and versatile dip and dry process.Keratin was extracted from discarded WH and waste wool by sulphitolysis processand glyoxal solution was used as crosslinking agent in the system. Because ofits low molecular weight (65-11 kDa) and poor mechanical properties,regenerated keratin is so difficult to handle that PVA was blended with keratinaqueous solution. More interestingly, the high optical transmittance (~88% at awave length of 550 nm) of the NF mats was achieved by simply dipping it in waterwithout adding any additive. Furthermore, the tensile strength of thetransparent composite NFs were also found to be increased (30 MPa) as comparedto the PVA NFs (5.9 MPa).