学术报告:Nano-Engineered Mechanics: Why Nano? 发布时间:2018-12-25 主题: Nano-Engineered Mechanics: Why Nano?主讲人: David Hui地点: 纺织学院4008室时间: 2018-12-25 14:50:00组织单位: 纺织学院 报告人简介: Dr. David Huiis Professor of Mechanical Engineering and director of Composites Materials ResearchLaboratory at University of New Orleans. He hasserved as founder and editor-in-chief of Composites B Engineering journal,currently in its 25th year of publication and impact factor is 4.727 in year2016. This journal ranks in top 5% among 85 journals in EngineeringMultidisciplinary category in ISI. Currently, he serves on the editorial boardof 11 SCI journals, seven of them are Nano journals, and the rest are mostlycomposite materials journals. Dr. Hui is ASME Fellow, ICCE Life Member, AIAA AssociateFellow and CASI Associate Fellow. 许大卫教授现任美国新奥尔良大学(University of NewOrleans)复合材料研究室主任。主持NASA, ARO, ONR, AFOSR, NSF, LEQSF, US Army CRREL,GCRMTC, NOAA等多个国际组织和政府的基金课题研究,担任国际著名杂志“Composites, Part B”(IF=3.85,2016)主编和41本国际刊物的编辑,已连续担任国际会议ICCE(InternationalConference on Composites /Nano Engineering)大会主席近20年。发表高质量学术论文120多篇,Hui教授是复合材料与工程领域的国际知名学者,在国际上享有很高的学术声誉。 报告大纲: Nanoengineering is a new field, what is nanotechnology? How the length scale play acritical role in hybrid materials. The talk focus on the transition from metalto composite to nanomaterials. The emphasis is on nanomechanics and hownanomaterials can be put to useful engineering applications. The talk willinclude three reasons for using nano, and will include nano-engineering indamage mechanics and impact dynamics. The critical component of design issafety of materials usage. The nanomaterials is more expensive, and thus, theiruse is limited to the case when the same design and use of structures cannot bedone by using composites (or metals). 纳米工程是一个全新的领域,什么是纳米技术?纳米尺度是如何影响杂化材料的?本次报告将聚焦于从金属到复合材料到纳米材料的演变,着重强调纳米机械学方面的内容以及纳米材料是如何应用到工程领域的。本报告将包含纳米工程在损伤力学以及冲击动力学方面的内容。 |